Biblioteca Humberto Rosselli Quijano
Título : |
Continuity and discontinuity in infant negative and positive emotionality : family antecedents and attachment consequences |
Tipo de documento: |
texto impreso |
Autores: |
Jay Belsky, Autor ; Fish Margaret, Autor ; Russell A. Isabella, Autor |
Fecha de publicación: |
2020 |
Artículo en la página: |
pp. 42-66 |
Idioma : |
Inglés (eng) Idioma original : Inglés (eng) |
Palabras clave: |
Conducta afectiva, Apego, Desarrollo emocional, Ambiente familiar, Conducta del bebé, Bebés, Satisfacción Marital, Relaciones padres - hijo, Personalidad, Seguridad (Psicología). |
Resumen: |
This study was based on the premise that much of the instability evident in research on infant emotionality/temperament is a function not so much of measurement error (as typically presumed) but lawful discontinuity. Infants who changed from high to low and from low to high levels of negative or positive emotionality between 3 and 9 mo of age were compared with infants who remained stable during the period on distal measures of the family environment (prenatally and neonatally measured) and proximal measures of parent–infant interaction (3 mo) thought to account for stability and change in infant emotionality and on 1-yr infant–mother attachment security. |
Link: |
./index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=25213 |
in Annual progress in child psychiatry and child develoment > Año 1992 [11/11/2020] . - pp. 42-66